Leons MGB 215 V8
Trip Around the Country – 41 days – 12,000 miles
This is something that happens.
Trip Around The Country PICS
2011 – Rebuild
2011 – rebuild – color changed to Chrysler 300 Vanilla Tim Warner did the body work and did a great job. Floors were worse than I thought they would be – the…
Oil Filter Placement
Where and how my oil filter is located. It is a MOCAL remote oil filter head using the side inlet/outlets – there are a lot of heads that have the I/O coming straight out…
First 300 Mile – a review
This is a page from my first website for the MGB V8. I’ve added my comments to the right after 23 years of it being on the road.04/16/98 – First 300 Miles …….
Transmission, McCleod Bearing, Rear End
Current transmission is a Borg Warner T5 – not world class. Originally I used the tranny Mike picked out – a T50-5. It was from a 1975 Pontiac Sunbird V6 with a 231ci…
This is the control head for the Sniper. Top left is the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) – it auto resets to 0 each time you start it. Under that is the Idle Air Control…
Battery Charger Multiplexer
Battery Charger MultiplexerLiving in the North East if you have an older car or a boat, or lawn mower or other vehicle that starts with a battery that you don’t drive or…
Radiator and overflow tank
Putting it together
My daughter, son-in-law and I putting the car back together after the new paint job. As a reward they got to be the first to drive it all together for the first time….
Pre-Paint prep – the second time
asdf prepaint2booth3booth4abooth5booth6booth7jackmgbbprepaint1
Mystery Parts
While putting the car together the first time I ran across these parts. Couldn’t find out from the parts catalog what they were and we’d could figure it out so I…
Motor Mounts
These are the old motor mounts – need to put in stiffer mounts so the engine doesn’t move around so much.mounts10mounts01mounts18mounts23mounts05mounts24mounts03
Magazine Articles about V8 Mg’s
Older (1975) magazine articles about engine swapping – Aluminum V8’s in MGs and Vegas. These are quotes from Perterson’s Complete Book of Engine Swapping No. 4…